Batches endpoint

The Batches endpoint lets you create and manipulate batches. A batch is a RESTful object that contains a user-defined list of files. A batch can be used as input for an AI Hub app, allowing for batch processing of all files you’ve added to the batch. Batches are useful for logically grouping files that you want to easily and repeatedly use as an app’s input.


For commercial users, a batch is stored in the default drive of the workspace you specified when creating the batch. If the default drive changes, but is still connected, you can still use the batch as input for running an app. However, you won’t be able to upload additional files to the batch. If the default drive is disconnected, you won’t be able to use batches stored on that drive as input for any app run.

In this document, URL_BASE refers to the root URL of your Instabase instance, such as API_ROOT defines where to route API requests for file operations, and its value is URL_BASE appended by /api/v2/batches.

import json, requests

url_base = ""
api_root = url_base + '/api/v2/batches'

To make calls to AI Hub APIs, you must define your API token and send it with your requests. API_TOKEN in the following examples refers to your API token.

You can generate and manage API tokens from your AI Hub user settings. See the authorization documentation for details.

Create a batch

Method Syntax


Create a new batch by sending a PUT request. You must upload files to the batch separately.

Request headers

Name Description Values
IB-Context Optional. Specify the organization ID as this header’s value to create the batch inside the organization. Learn more.

Request body

Key Type Description
batch_name string Name of batch. Maximum length is 255 characters.
workspace_name string Optional. The name of the workspace in which to add the batch; the batch is created in the default drive of the workspace. If not specified, the default location for commercial users is the default drive of your personal workspace. For community users, the default location is your personal workspace’s Instabase Drive.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
200 OK Batch was created

Response schema

Key Type Description
batch_id string Batch ID of the newly created batch.

Example request

import requests

url = api_root

headers = {
  'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_TOKEN}'

data = {
  'batch_name': 'my new batch'


resp = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=data)

Upload file to batch

Method Syntax


Use this endpoint to upload a file to a batch, or to update the contents of a previously uploaded file in a batch. In the request URL, <BATCH_ID> is the batch’s ID and <FILENAME> is a user-defined name for the file. The file name must include the file extension.

Files can be uploaded one at a time and the suggested max size for each file is 10 MB. For larger files, use the multipart file upload endpoint.

Request headers

Name Description Values
Content-Length The size of the file, in bytes.

Request body

Supply the raw contents of file to be uploaded. See the example request, being sure to define the <LOCAL_FILEPATH> with the full path to the file in the machine that’s running the script.

Response status

Status Meaning
204 No Content File was successfully uploaded.
404 Not Found Batch with ID <BATCH_ID> does not exist.

Response schema

There is no response body.

Example request

import requests

url = api_root + f'/<BATCH_ID>/files/<FILENAME>'

headers = {
    'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_TOKEN}'

with open('<LOCAL_FILEPATH>') as f:
    data =
resp = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=data)

Where <LOCAL_FILEPATH> is the full path to the file in the machine that’s running the script.

Get batch

Method Syntax


Retrieve information about a batch by sending this GET request.

Request headers

There are no additional request headers.

Request body

There is no request body. Use the request URL to provide the batch’s batch ID (BATCH_ID).

Response status

Status Meaning
200 OK Batch successfully retrieved.
404 Not Found Batch <BATCH_ID> does not exist, or denied access.

Response schema

Key Type Description
id string The batch’s batch ID.
name string The batch’s name.
workspace_name string The name of the workspace in which the batch exists.
mount_point_name string The name of the connected drive in which the batch is stored.
repo_owner string The owner of the workspace (also known as the repo) in which the batch exists.
batch_owner string Username of user that created the batch
created_at_ms int When the batch was created, in Unix time.
updated_at_ms int When the batch was last updated, in Unix time.
path_suffix string Batch path suffix from mount point.
  "id": 2465, 
  "name": "my new batch",
  "workspace_name": "my-repo",
  "mount_point_name": "Instabase Drive",
  "repo_owner": "test_admin",
  "batch_owner": "test_admin", 
  "created_at_ms": 1709592306000, 
  "updated_at_ms": 1709592306000, 
  "path_suffix": "file-batches/c53a8a50-6b7b-4184-9aa3-132e9e8fa780"

Example request

import requests

url = api_root + f'/<BATCH_ID>'

headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_TOKEN}'

resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

List batches

Method Syntax
GET API_ROOT?workspace_name=<WORKSPACE_NAME>&username=<USERNAME>&limit=<LIMIT>&offset=<OFFSET>


Return a list of batches, with results filtered using query parameters.

Query parameter Description
workspace_name Optional. Filter to batches in the specified workspace.
username Optional. Filter to batches created by the specified username (user ID).
limit Optional. If paginating results, specify how many batches to return.
offset Optional. If paginating results, specify the offset of the returned list.

Request headers

Name Description
IB-Context Optional. To list batches under a commercial organization, specify its organization ID here. Learn more.

Request body

There is no request body. Use the request URL’s query parameters to filter the list of batches.

Response status

Status Meaning
200 OK Request successful.
401 Unauthorized User is not allowed to query for batches with provided filters.

Response schema

Key Type Description
batches List List of batches. See response schema for each batch object.

Example request

import requests

# define filters
workspace_name = 'my-workspace'
limit = 100

headers = {
    'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_TOKEN}',
    'IB-Context': 'my-org'

url = api_root

resp = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params={ 'workspace_name': workspace_name, 'limit': limit })

Delete batch

Method Syntax


Delete a batch and all of its files. This is an asynchronous operation that must be checked for completion. See details on polling jobs.

Specify the <BATCH_ID> in the URL to identify the batch to be deleted.

Request headers

There are no additional request headers.

Request body

There is no request body. Use the request URL to specify the batch to be deleted.

Response status

Status Meaning
202 Accepted Batch deletion request accepted. Poll the job ID to check completion status.
404 Not Found A batch with ID <BATCH_ID> does not exist.

Response schema

Key Type Description
job_id string The job ID of the operation. Use the job ID with the poll batches job endpoint to check batch deletion status.

Example request

import requests

url = api_root + f'/<BATCH_ID>'

headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_TOKEN}'

resp = requests.delete(url, headers=headers)
poll_url = api_root + f'/jobs/{resp.json()['job_id']}'

# poll until complete
while True:
    resp = requests.get(poll_url, headers=headers)
    if resp.json()['state'] == 'COMPLETE':

Delete file from batch

Method Syntax


Delete a file from a batch by sending this DELETE request. Use <BATCH_ID> and <FILENAME> in the request URL to specify the file to be deleted.

Request headers

There are no additional request headers.

Request body

There is no request body. Use the request URL to specify the file to be deleted.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
202 Accepted Indicates that the deletion request has been accepted. Poll the deletion job for completion status.
404 Not Found Batch with <BATCH_ID> does not exist.

Response headers

Name Description Values
Location Optional. Present if the status is 202 Accepted. The full URL to poll the status of the deletion job.

Response schema

There is no response body.

Example request

import requests

url = api_root + f'/<BATCH_ID>/files/<FILENAME>'

headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_TOKEN}'
resp = requests.delete(url, headers=headers)

Poll batches job

Method Syntax


Use this endpoint to poll asynchronous jobs created when deleting a batch or deletinng a file from a batch. In the request URL, <JOB_ID> is the job_id value returned by a Delete batch request or the Location header value returned by a Delete file from a batch request.

Request headers

There are no additional request headers.

Request body

There is no request body. Use the request URL to specify the job to poll.

Response status

Status Meaning
200 OK Request successful

Response schema

Key Type Description
state string The status of the job. Possible values are COMPLETE, FAILED, CANCELLED, RUNNING, or PENDING.
message string Job status message.

Multipart file upload

To upload a file larger than 10 MB in size to a batch, you must use multipart upload. Multipart upload involves three endpoints and the following steps:

  1. Start a multipart upload session, specifying the batch ID, file name, and file size. This call returns a session ID and maximum part_size to reference when uploading each part.

  2. Split the file into parts, according to the specified part_size, and upload each part individually.

  3. When all parts are uploaded, commit the session.

Multipart upload example request

headers = {
  'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_TOKEN}'
# 1. create session
local_filepath = '<LOCAL_FILEPATH>'
size = os.path.getsize(local_filepath)
resp ='<API_ROOT>/multipart-upload',
                     data=json.dumps({'path': destination_filepath, 'file_size': size}))
session_endpoint = resp.headers['location']
part_size = resp.json()['part_size']

# 2. upload parts
parts = []
part_num = 1
with open(local_filepath, 'rb') as input_file:
    part =
while part:
    part_resp = requests.put(f'{session_endpoint}/parts/{part_num}', headers=headers, data=part)
    parts.append({'part_num': part_num, 'part_id': part_resp.json()['part_id']})
    part =
    part_num += 1

# 3. Commit all the uploaded parts.
commit_resp =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps({'action': 'commit', 'parts': parts}))

Where <LOCAL_FILEPATH> is the full path to the file in the machine that’s running the script.

Start multipart upload session

Method Syntax
POST API_ROOT/multipart-upload


Start a multipart upload session. Use this endpoint when you need to upload a file larger than 10 MB to a batch.

Request headers

There are no additional request headers.

Request body

Key Type Description
batch_id int The batch’s batch ID.
filename string A file name for the uploaded file, including the file extension. Maximum of 255 characters.
file_size int The file size, in bytes.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
201 Created Indicates that the multipart upload session has been initiated.
404 Not Found Batch with <BATCH_ID> does not exist.

Response headers

Name Description Values
Location Optional. Present if the status is 201 Created. The session endpoint URL to use in the subsequent multipart upload requests, in the form: API_ROOT/multipart-upload/sessions/<SESSION_ID>.

Response schema

Key Type Description
part_size int The number of bytes each part should be when uploading to the session. Each part should match the part_size, except for the final part, which can be smaller than the part_size.

Example request

See full multipart upload request.

Upload part to session

Method Syntax
PUT API_ROOT/multipart-upload/sessions/<SESSION_ID>/parts/<PART_NUM>


Upload part of a file to the multipart upload session, where each part’s size matches the part_size returned by the Start multipart upload session call. Each part should match the part_size, except for the final part, which can be smaller than the part_size.

<SESSION_ID> should be obtained in the Location header from the start multipart upload session response, and <PART_NUM> is an increasing consecutive integer sequence starting at 1 for every part uploaded.

Request headers

There are no additional request headers.

Request body

Raw content of the part to be uploaded.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
201 Created Indicates that the part has been successfully uploaded.

Response schema

Key Type Description
part_id int ID of uploaded part.
part_num int The part number of the uploaded part, indicating upload order. Identical with <PART_NUM> in request URL.

Example request

See full multipart upload request.

Commit session

Method Syntax
POST API_ROOT/multipart-upload/sessions/<SESSION_ID>


After uploading all parts to a multipart upload session, use this endpoint to commit and close the multipart upload session, or to cancel the session.

Request headers

There are no additional request headers.

Request body

Key Type Description
action string String literal of either commit or abort.
parts List A list of the uploaded parts.
parts/part_num int The part number of the uploaded part.
parts/part_id int The part ID of the uploaded part.

Response status

A 2XX status code indicates the request was successful.

Status Meaning
204 No Content Indicates that the part has been successfully committed to the multipart upload session.

Response schema

There is no response body.

Example request

See full multipart upload request.