Account settings

From your Account settings, you can manage your user info and security settings.

Basic info

In the Basic info section, you can edit your account’s display name.

To edit your AI Hub account name:

  1. In the top nav bar, click the user icon and select Settings. The Account tab displays by default.

  2. In the Basic info section, click Edit.

  3. In the Edit name dialog, update the First name and Last name fields as needed.

  4. Click Save.


In the Security section, you can update your account password and your multi-factor authentication (MFA) settings.


The ability to manage account security through AI Hub is available for accounts that use basic authentication (email and password credentials). If using Sign in with Google, you can manage your security settings and third-party connections through your Google account.


To update or reset your account password:

  1. In the top nav bar, click the user icon and select Settings. The Account tab displays by default.

  2. Next to Password, click Reset.

  3. In the Password field, enter your current password.


    If you don’t remember your current password, fill out a sample password in the Password field. When you click Reset password, the validation fails and a Forgot password? option displays.

  4. In the New Password field, define your new password. Re-enter the password to confirm it.

  5. Click Reset password.

You’re signed out and can now sign in with your updated credentials.

Multi-factor authentication

You can update your MFA method at any time. The following MFA options are supported:

  • SMS: Authentication codes are sent by SMS message (text) using Twilio. Some countries restrict receiving SMS messages from Twilio.

  • Authenticator app: Authentication is through an authenticator app such as Authy, Duo Mobile, Okta Verify, Google Authenticator, or Microsoft Authenticator.

To update your multi-factor authentication settings:

  1. In the top nav bar, click the user icon and select Settings. The Account tab displays by default.

  2. Next to Multi-factor authentication, click Update.

  3. In the Password field, enter your current password.


    If you don’t remember your current password, you can reset it using the reset password flow.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select a new multi-factor authentication method.

  6. Based on your selection, complete the MFA configuration process following the instructions displayed.